Archive news and public engagement updates from the Centre for Reproductive Health in 2019.

News listing

Publication date

Jeff Pollard and Luca Cassetta publish paper in Cancer Cell

28 May, 2019

Agi Swierczak is the artist who designed the cover that was accepted by the journal.

Video created to showcase COST Action Mye-EUNITER project

21 May, 2019

A cleverly constructed eight minute video has been created to showcase the knowledge and new…

CRH’s Dr Rod Mitchell receives UKRI Future Leader Fellowship

07 May, 2019

Science Minister announces first wave of Future Leaders Fellowships, helping researchers and…

Filmed footage of 40 years of IVF event, featuring CRH’s Professor Colin Duncan

01 May, 2019

MRC CRH’s Professor Colin Duncan appeared on the panel for this Progress Educational Trust event,…

Dr Roseanne Rosario appears in Wellbeing of Women video blog

25 April, 2019

CRH’s Roseanne Rosario has been selected to feature in one of the Wellbeing of Women videos created…

CRH and CIR Professors lead EISF Endometriosis event, “The Bloody Truth”

25 April, 2019

As part of this year’s EISF, Professor and Professor Andrew Horne (CRH) and Philippa Saunders (CIR)…

Prof Hilary Critchley appears in Women in Science exhibition at the Royal Society of Edinburgh

25 April, 2019

Professor Hilary Critchley has the great honour of featuring in a new multi-media exhibition at RSE…

MRC Centre for Reproductive Health takes part in EISF Medical Frontiers at NMS

25 April, 2019

A group of researchers from CRH ran an interactive stand on 19 and 20 April at National Museum of…

CRH researchers are named WOW Heroes

10 April, 2019

Wellbeing of Women has been funding high-quality research into women’s reproductive health for…

Immune cells key to predicting cancer outcomes

09 April, 2019

Scientists have identified key changes in immune cells within cancerous tumours that could help…