A cleverly constructed eight minute video has been created to showcase the knowledge and new protocols developed by the COST Action Mye-EUNITER team over the last four years. The COST Action Mye-EUNITER involved a European network of scientists, including MRC CRH’s Prof Jeff Pollard (Director) and Luca Cassetta (Senior Postdoctoral Fellow) who undertook exploratory research into myeloid regulatory cells. The main objective was to establish consistent technical standards for the characterisation and analysis of these cells. The team successfully developed a gold standard of protocol that will be used across Europe to analyse and monitor myeloid regulatory cell subtypes. HTML You can watch CRH Director Professor Jeff Pollard’s interview at 1 minute 27 seconds into the video. For further information about the Cost Action Mye-EUNITER project, please read: https://www.ed.ac.uk/centre-reproductive-health/news/2017-news/myeloid HTML Publication date 21 May, 2019