Archive news and public engagement updates from the Centre for Reproductive Health in 2019.
News listing
Bolton mum praises research
Joanne Norris gave birth to healthy twins after taking part in trial of device to stop premature…
Dr Jackie Maybin appointed a new member of YAS
Congratulations to CRH’s Dr Jackie Maybin who is among the 53 talented new members of the RSE Young…
CRH PhD students attend Ingenious Women Workshops
MRC CRH PhD students Melissa Tharmalingam and Gabriele Matilionyte from the Mitchell lab attended…
MRC Festival 2018 - A healthy pregnancy; a positive outcome
MRC CRH was delighted to host the MRC Festival on 20 June.
Dr Fiona Denison wins prestigious award for birth mirror
Dr Fiona Denison won the Enterprise runner-up prize in the University of Edinburgh Inspire Launch…
Professor Andrew Calder awarded MBE
Professor Andrew Calder, former Head of the Division of Reproductive and Developmental Sciences …
Professor Duncan visits Edinburgh Academy students
On Wednesday 6 June, Professor Colin Duncan visited the Edinburgh Academy to speak to a group of…
Danish group visits MRC CRH
On 23 May 2018, MRC Centre for Reproductive Health was delighted to welcome a group from the School…
ESPBC success and Tommy’s Centre 10th Celebrations
Edinburgh was delighted to host the third European Spontaneous Preterm Birth Congress amidst…
CRH teaching talent praised
University of Edinburgh academics, tutors and support staff have been recognised in annual awards…
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