Archive news and public engagement updates from the Centre for Reproductive Health in 2019.

News listing

Publication date

CRH Fertility Preservation research featured in national press

18 December, 2018

"It gives you hope": the fight to save the fertility of children with cancer

Hidden suffering

04 December, 2018

An Edinburgh team is conducting vital research into how to improve the lives of more than 170…

CRH researchers encourage young scientists

24 October, 2018

A group from MRC Centre for Reproductive Health visited Preston Lodge High School in East Lothian…

Stillbirth reduction strategy remains unproven

01 October, 2018

A care package aimed at reducing the risk of babies being stillborn may offer marginal benefit but…

Breast milk may help babies’ brain development

27 September, 2018

According to a new MRC CRH study, babies born before their due date show better brain development…

MSP’s visit CRH

20 September, 2018

MRC CRH hosted MSP’s Ash Denham and Iain Gray in September 2018.

Dr Erin Greaves returns from Taiwan

20 September, 2018

During her visit to the China Medical University, Dr Greaves heard about how traditional Chinese…

Professor Fiona Denison – new appointment

12 September, 2018

Professor Denison, Personal Chair of Translational Obstetrics.

Scientists of the future visit CRH

31 July, 2018

A group of budding young scientists visited the CRH labs this week, as part of the Science Insights…

Shadow Cabinet Secretary visit to CRH

31 July, 2018

MRC CRH was delighted to host Miles Briggs, Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, on 24…