Enjoy Your Bump - Implementation Study

Enjoy Your Bump


Recruitment for the Enjoy Your Bump clinical study will be closed on 30th June 2021 at 5pm. If you are interested in using the Enjoy Your Bump CBT life skills learning programme used by study participants, then you are very welcome to sign up for the free course even though the study has ended. Please follow this link to be directed to the Living Life To The Full website where you can learn more about the CBT course and set up an account if you wish. 




                                                                        Please watch this short video to learn more about the study.


About the Study

One in four women have mental health problems, such as feeling anxious or depressed, during pregnancy and following childbirth.

The Enjoy Your Bump study is designed for women who are experiencing mild-moderate symptoms of anxiety and depression during their pregnancy. The study is using an on-line educational Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) based life skills course called ‘Enjoy Your Bump’. The CBT course aims to improve feelings of depression and anxiety by encouraging and teaching more positive patterns of thinking. We plan to recruit pregnant women in NHS Lothian with symptoms of anxiety and depression. The women will complete online questionnaire before and after the course. We will follow the women up at 6-12 weeks after childbirth so we can assess any effects of ‘Enjoy Your Bump’ on improving women’s mental health.


If you are interested in taking part in this study, please download and read the Participant Information Leaflet. Please save a copy for your own reference. You can find the link here:


If you would like to view more from the research team who are involved in this study, please click the links below:

Meet the Team

Ask the Midwife


Get Involved

Eyb coffee

If you are:

  • Between 8 and 32 weeks of pregnancy
  • Live in Lothian and feeling a bit low in mood

you may be eligible to take part in the study. 


If you are interested in getting involved, please follow the link to the Online Registration form. 

NB - this consent form link has been removed as the clinical study has ended. 


If you change your mind and wish to withdraw from the study, you can do this at any time without giving a reason. Simply email the research team and they will do this for you. Their email address is:



Help and Support

EYB Waving Lady

We hope that you will find the ‘Enjoy Your Bump’ study helpful during your pregnancy. The research team are unable to provide you with any personalised clinical advice regarding your pregnancy or mental health. It is important that you seek advice from your own midwife, GP or maternity unit if you have any worries about your pregnancy, your mental health or any other medical problem that you need support with.


If you need advice:

  • Make an appointment to see your GP to discuss your concerns.
  • Phone and speak to your midwife and ask for an urgent referral to be made to Perinatal Mental Health Services.
  • Phone NHS 24 on 111 for non-urgent situations.
  • Phone 999 in case of an emergency