We welcome requests to access TEBC data or to consider collaborations. The TEBC Data Access and Collaboration Policy sets out the terms and conditions on which TEBC (deidentified) data, stimuli and tasks will be accessible. It clarifies the process for requests for data, stimuli or tasks as well as requests to collaborate on nested studies. It also provides guidance on intellectual property rights and matters relating to authorship and publication.All requests should be made by completing the ‘Data Access Request Form’ (Part 1 in the Data Access Agreement) and submitted to the Study Co-ordinator (jill.hall@ed.ac.uk). Acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in the aforementioned should be signed by the principal applicant.TEBC has a data dictionary to assist applicants to discern whether the data types, stimuli or tasks they wish to use are present. Availability of data types for sharing will be dependent on planned TEBC analyses having taken place. HTML This article was published on 2024-09-10