During the study we are hoping your family will take part in a number of different appointments as your baby gets older. We are grateful to you for your contribution to science and understanding and we will do our best to make your experience interesting and fun. What will we have to do?We will collect different types of information about your baby at seven time points from pregnancy to age 5 years. For every appointment, your travel costs will be reimbursed. There will be light refreshments available where appropriate and we hope that you and your baby will feel comfortable and happy with us. In each case, when we get back in touch we will send you a reminder of what the next appointment involves and there will be a chance to ask questions again.Some of the types of information we will collect are:a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scanbiological samples like blood and salivaquestionnaires for parents to fill in about themselves and their babyas your baby gets older, play-based assessments in our research centreHow will you keep in touch?We will keep in touch with you by email, letter or phone – you can let us know what you prefer. We will have a website, Facebook page and twitter hashtag for the study. We will send all of our families information about the study and other interesting news about every six months.We’re also planning to have children’s tea parties or picnics every spring, and we’ll be hosting an annual public lecture from world-leading scientists. We hope you and your family will be able to come along to some of those. This article was published on 2024-09-10