Archive news and public engagement updates from the Centre for Reproductive Health in 2022.

News listing

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Insight into heavy periods could pave way towards new treatment

01 February, 2018

CRH scientists have uncovered a cause of heavy menstrual bleeding that offers hope for women living…

CRH win Silver in the 2017 Edinburgh University Lab Sustainability Awards

30 January, 2018

This is in addition to retaining a Bronze Lab for and a Gold Office award for the entire Queen&#039…

Analgesics could impact on fertility

09 January, 2018

MRC CRH’s Sarah Stock, Rod Mitchell and Richard Sharpe have all commented recently on the potential…

Big eaters who remain slim due to missing gene

04 January, 2018

Scientists at MRC CRH have found that a missing gene may be the secret of men with an unrestrained…

Minister for Public Health and Sport visits Tommy’s Metabolic Antenatal Clinic

15 December, 2017

Aileen Campbell, Minister for Public Health and Sport, visited Tommy’s Metabolic Antenatal Clinic…

Jackie Maybin visits Westminster

05 December, 2017

Jackie Maybin attended Westminster this week for the Royal Society Parliamentary Pairing Scheme (w…

Scottish pregnant women at risk due to weight

30 November, 2017

More than half of all expectant mothers in Scotland are overweight or obese at the start of their…

Queen’s Prize honours research to improve women’s health

30 November, 2017

The University of Edinburgh has received a prestigious Queen’s Anniversary Prize for its work to…

Dr Denison’s birth mirror on track for further success

15 November, 2017

Dr Fiona Denison, founder of Birthing Solutions Ltd, has been awarded a Wild Card Finalist Award in…

Professor James Boardman is the new President of the Neonatal Society

09 November, 2017

James Boardman, Professor of Neonatal Medicine, has been elected President of the Neonatal Society …