Archive news and public engagement updates from the Centre for Reproductive Health in 2022.

News listing

Publication date

The CRH represents at ETW2023

21 June, 2023

​​​​​​​Members of the Mitchell lab and Edinburgh Fertility Preservation team at the MRC Centre for…

Ministerial visit to CRH / EXPPECT

21 June, 2023

On 23rd May 2023, members of the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health and the EXPPECT team were…

The 15th World Congress on Endometriosis

15 June, 2023

The World Congress on Endometriosis (WCE) took place at the EICC in Edinburgh from 3-6 May, 2023,…

Women invited to trial twice-a-year contraceptive jab

06 June, 2023

Trials to test the effectiveness of a six-monthly contraceptive injection for women are to start in…

Social factors affect premature babies’ brains

01 June, 2023

Premature babies from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to experience problems with early…

The CRH’s PCOS animation launches

30 May, 2023

The MRC Centre for Reproductive Health is delighted to share our final reproductive health themed…

The CRH participates in Edinburgh International Science Festival

10 May, 2023

Edinburgh International Science Festival (EISF) is the first and one of the most respected science…

In Memoriam Jeffrey William Pollard

04 May, 2023

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our esteemed colleague and friend,…

Closing the endometriosis knowledge gap

27 April, 2023

Despite one in ten women being affected, endometriosis – a painful condition where womb-like tissue…

Long Covid and menstruation study - STV News

27 April, 2023

On 23 April 2023, STV News featured a tissue-based study taking place in the CRH Maybin lab…