MRC CRH reveals first animation

The MRC Centre for Reproductive Health is delighted to share its first scientific animation, which focuses on the chronic reproductive health condition endometriosis.

Endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the womb starts to grow in other places, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. It affects one in ten women.

The CRH’s Professor Andrew Horne and Ginnie Clark worked with Cloud Chamber Studios to create this engagement tool.

We hope that it increases public understanding of endometriosis and raises awareness of the vital research into this condition which takes place at CRH, with the key aim of improving diagnosis times, treatment options, and health outcomes.

We also hope it encourages anyone suffering from this debilitating condition to ask for help and support.

Websites to find endometriosis support include:



The ENDO WARRIORS (local endometriosis charity) Facebook page

For further information on Professor Horne’s endometriosis research at MRC CRH, please click here.

Thank you very much to the endometriosis charity Endo Warriors for raising funds to make the creation of this animation possible and for the valuable content input made by the founders of the charity, Claire Beattie and Candice McKenzie.

Enjoy watching and learning from this animation and please feel free to share it with friends, family and colleagues. You can send any comments to Ginnie Clark, CRH’s Public Engagement and Communications Officer, by emailing



This is the first of a suite of CRH animations which will be revealed over coming months, covering a range of reproductive health research themes and medical conditions. Watch this space!


To learn more about ongoing endometriosis research taking place at MRC CRH, please watch this UoE Research Insights session.