Assessment Final year Thesis Plan

Month 26 (eg. 3 year programme)

3rd/final year Thesis Plan

Submission of detailed thesis plan.  This should include chapter titles and list of their contents, plus an assessment of how much of the work is completed and how much remains to be done (eg. colour coded text - GREEN: Done; ORANGE: In progress: RED: To be completed). 

Also include a Hypothesis, Aims and a Gantt chart timeline covering remaining work versus time and should again indicate where the project has changed from the 1st year report hypothesis and aims.  Add any details of courses attended and training received.  The thesis plan should be submitted two weeks prior to 3rd year assessment meeting. 


3rd/final year Thesis Plan meeting

This involves a meeting with the Thesis Committee to discuss the thesis plan, timelines for the final year and options and progress towards seeking employment upon completion of the PhD/MD.  Students are asked to give a short 10 minute presentation to update.  Students are required to bullet points raised to them to ensure understanding.


Month 35 (eg. 3 year programme) - aim to submit thesis

The CMVM Wiki provides comprehensive details of up-to-date information on policies and procedures for submission, which includes Notice of Intension to Submit (NITS) which is required at least 2 months ahead of submission.  (EASE log-in required)