Assessment 1st year

Months 9-12

1st Year Progress Report (~4000 words)

(Relevant literature review, methods used/developed, results, discussion and work-plan for the next year, transferable skills courses attended etc).

The 1st year report should not be too detailed or long (5000 words maximum) but should provide enough background detail of the aims, methods and results for the Thesis Committee to be able to gain a reasonable understanding about the project prior to an oral presentation.  The report can contain a few graphs, figures or tables but these should only be examples or used to provide summaries of more detailed results; please do not show all results that you have obtained.  The report should also include a hypothesis and indicate where the project has changed from the original hypothesis and aims.  Add any details of courses attended and training received.  The progress report should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the 1st year assessment meeting.


1st year Assessment Meeting

This will involve a 15-20 minute oral presentation by the student to the Thesis Committee and supervisors attending followed by a meeting with the Thesis Committee (supervisors not present) at which time feedback will be given and any further questions asked. The Thesis Committee will then meet with the supervisors (student not present).

A progress report, including recommendations regarding progression will be completed by the Thesis Committee.  This meeting could last up to 2 hours.

** The Thesis Committee will be comprised of 1 member of the CRH Postgraduate Studies Committee and an external (independent) assessor as arranged following your 10 week research plan meeting.

Note: If any of a student’s supervisors are members of the CRH Postgraduate Studies Committee, they will not be present during any face-to-face meeting between the Thesis Committee and the student unless this is specifically requested and agreed by the student.


Student and Thesis Committee should also agree a date for the next assessment.


An online student-initiated review reporting process will also be made available through the Universities EUCLID system. 

Students and supervisors will receive emails directly, detailing the requirements.  Please do contact the Centre’s PG Administrator initially if there are any problems completing this.

Further advice and guidance

Online Annual Review Guidance

Postgraduate Assessment Regulations

Code of Practice for Supervisors and Research Students



Month 12/13 

If the Thesis Committee has reported that progress has not been satisfactory and/or an extension of the probationary period has been recommended, a further meeting with the Thesis Committee to discuss the work plan for the second year will be required.