The latest news and public engagement updates from the Centre for Reproductive Health.

News listing

Publication date

Covid19 vaccine causing a possible (transient) disruption to the menstrual cycle

16 September, 2021

Dr Maybin appears on Good Morning Scotland speaking about the Covid-19 vaccine

Drug repurposing to treat endometriosis

08 September, 2021

CRH’s Professor Horne recently spoke to a journalist from Pharmacology Matters about the…

Reassuring data from COPS study

02 September, 2021

The latest figures gathered as part of the COPS study, a partnership between Dr Sarah Stock and…

Menstruation animation launches

26 August, 2021

MRC Centre for Reproductive Health is delighted to share our latest animation with you.

No long term effect on fertility from vaccines

09 August, 2021

CRH’s Dr Jackie Maybin appears on BBC Scotland’s ‘The Seven’ news programme to alleviate concerns…

Sunshine in early pregnancy can reduce premature birth risk

06 August, 2021

A new study from Dr Sarah Stock and Tommy’s Centre for Maternal and Fetal Health at the CRH…

Common steroid could reduce heavy menstrual bleeding

03 August, 2021

Women who experience heavy menstrual bleeding could have their blood loss reduced by treatment with…

National coverage highlights Dr Stock’s vital maternal and fetal health research

21 July, 2021

Almost 4,000 pregnant women have taken up a Covid-19 vaccine in Scotland, with no adverse effects…

CRH’s successful contribution to ESHRE 2021

01 July, 2021

The second online ESHRE took place from June 26 – July 1, 2021.

3 Minute Thesis – success for CRH

29 June, 2021

Huge congratulations to Niamh McNamara from the Miron lab at CRH. She won both the second place…