CRH researchers attend prestigious Lister Lecture

Dr Jackie Maybin, Professor Hilary Critchley and Dr Rocio Martinez Aguilar recently attended the RSE/SCI Lister Lecture 2022 (24.11.22).

Picture of Rocio Martinez Aguilar and Jackie Maybin with their poster

Jackie (PI of the Maybin lab at CRH) was invited to present a poster about her research into heavy menstrual bleeding at the event.

She received overwhelmingly positive feedback. Sir Patrick Vallance (UK Government Chief Scientific Advisor and the Lister Medal Recipient 2022) spoke to Jackie about her research and was interested and impressed with the work being carried out in the CRH. He even offered to make some introductions with industry partners.  Well done to Jackie and colleagues!

Maybin Lab meeting with delegates

Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK's Chief Scientific Adviser throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, delivers his 2022 Lister Memorial Lecture: Government, Science and Industry: from Covid to Climate.

To watch the full recording please click on this link.