Endometriosis Awareness Month

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month and both Professor Andrew Horne and Dr Lucy Whitaker have done a sterling job of raising awareness of endometriosis and the vital research taking place at CRH.

Picture of the Exxpect team and logo

There has been a particular research focus on how dichloroacetate can help manage pain among those with the condition (funded by Wellbeing of Women and the Scottish Government).

If successful, this drug could be the first ever non-hormonal and non-surgical treatment for endometriosis – and the first new treatment in 40 years.


Have a read below of some of the coverage generated over the course of the month:

Vogue: Could Gut Health Hold The Key To Tackling Endometriosis?

ITV online: Scientists hunt for potential first new endometriosis drug in 40 years

STV online : Scientists trial potential first new endometriosis drug in 40 years

The Guardian: Researchers optimistic about potential new treatment for endometriosis

 SKY News: Wellbeing of Women researcher Dr Lucy Whitaker on an endometriosis clinical trial

The Independent: New drug could be world-first to treat ‘insurmountable pain’ of endometriosis

Daily Record: Clinical trial hopes to find first new endometriosis treatment in 40 years


You can hear Dr Lucy Whitaker talking more about the EPIC2 trial here.

Various engagement / awareness raising activities have also been organised including:

  • An ‘Understanding Endometriosis’ webinar (27.03.23) featuring Professor Horne, in support of Scotland’s Women’s Health Plan
    Infographic of ‘Understanding Endometriosis’ webinar
  • A ministerial visit is being planned for May to keep the Health Minister (Ms. Maree Todd) fully updated on endometriosis research progress within CRH
  • Dr Lucy Whitaker was one of the clinical researchers offering her expert insight during this Wellbeing of Women webinar focusing on Pelvic Pain (29.03.23). Click on this link to watch the full online event, hosted by Dame Lesley Regan.

Hopefully harnessing all these engagement and press opportunities will translate into increased future funding for endometriosis, and indeed women’s health research.