Dr Maybin features in AMS 25th Anniversary video series

The Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) has been releasing a series of impact case studies and video content to give a voice to young researchers to celebrate their achievements and explore how the boundaries of science are changing.

The Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) has been releasing a series of impact case studies and video content to give a voice to young researchers to celebrate their achievements and explore how the boundaries of science are changing.

AMS chose to shine a light on emerging research leaders as part of their 25th Anniversary celebrations.

This video was created in The Centre of Reproductive Health labs and offices, within IRR, in autumn 2023 and recognises the support Dr Jackie Maybin has received from AMS.

It offers a comprehensive summary of her vital research which focuses on developing preventive and therapeutic strategies for abnormal uterine bleeding (problematic periods) which affects one in four women, as well as the merit of collaboration and the importance of engaging with policy makers and the media.

Click on the below link to watch the video, entitled ‘Dr Jackie Maybin – taking the lead in women’s health’:


Jackie Mabin

Professor Dame Anne Johnson PMedSci, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences, said:

“While our 25th anniversary is an opportunity to take stock of the impact and achievements of the Academy and our community, it is also an important moment to look to our future and how we can influence the development of a research sector to improve the health of people everywhere.

“It is vital that we fully engage with the next generation of researchers to identify the challenges and opportunities they face and their aspirations for the future, and how we as an Academy could work to foster the capability of future research leaders and help them realise their ambitions.”