‘Voices and Visions’ endometriosis podcast with Professor Horne

The new ‘Voices and Visions’ podcast has been created by the World Endometriosis Society (WES).

Professor Andrew Horne
Professor Andrew Horne

This series aims to uncover the views, journeys, and experiences of both researchers and patients.

In the inaugural episode, which aired 29.04.22, the hosts - CRH’s Francesca Hearn-Yeates (PhD student, Horne lab group) and Danielle Perro (PhD student at the University of Oxford) – interview Professor Andrew Horne.  

He talks about his career trajectory, the importance of endometriosis research, his clinical trials at MRC CRH, and what he does to relax when he is not undertaking vital clinical care or research to improve the lives of those affected by this painful condition.

Have a listen here.

To note: The CRH’s Professor Horne is an experienced researcher in women’s health problems, with a specific focus on endometriosis and pelvic pain. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed scientific papers.

Future episodes of ‘Voices and Visions’ will speak to other endometriosis researchers from across the world. The podcast episodes will continue until the World Congress of Endometriosis takes place in Edinburgh, in May 2023.

Francesca Hearn-Yeates (PhD)
Francesca Hearn-Yeates