CRH success at 2022 RCOG / Blair Bell meeting

​​​​​​​The RCOG holds an Annual Academic Meeting each year to showcase the best of research in obstetrics and gynaecology in the UK, from basic science to clinical trials.

Prizes are awarded for the best oral and poster presentations.

Doctor Alex Viner
Dr Alex Viner

The 2-day hybrid meeting included keynote plenary lectures, oral and poster presentations and workshops. This event also incorporates the Blair Bell Research Society annual meeting.

Academics, both junior and senior, basic scientists, NHS consultants and trainees and undergraduates in obstetrics and gynaecology are all welcomed.


This year’s meeting took place on 10 and 11 February and CRH made an impact.

CRH’s Dr Alex Viner’s presentation: 'Training in Ultrasound to Determine Gestational Age (TUDA): Efficacy of a novel education package to teach ultrasound-naive healthcare professionals basic obstetric ultrasound in Malawi' won the Best Poster Pitch Presentation (Obstetrics).

Many congratulations to Dr Viner (Final year PhD student at CRH).


Other presentations from CRH included:

Dr Michael Rimmer (Mitchell lab): 'Novel actions of chemotherapy on EV release and impact on prepubertal testes'

Magdalena Thiel (Anderson lab): 'Prevalence of female infertility in the UK armed forces'.

CRH Associate Professor Philippa Saunders: 'Adventures in endometrial research - Bridging the gap between discovery and translational science'


Background information:

Prize winner Dr Alex Viner is currently working as part of the DIPLOMATIC collaboration, a group of researchers from the UK, Malawi and Zambia aiming to reduce under 5 mortality by improving outcomes for preterm babies. She is in the final year of a PhD programme at the University of Edinburgh MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, where her work has been focused on the optimisation of gestational age estimates in low-income settings.  Dr Viner is supervised by CRH Associates Prof Rebecca Reynolds and Dr Sarah Stock.

The Blair Bell Research Society was established in 1962 to be a meeting point for those interested in both animal and human reproduction to discuss current research issues. 

The RCOG works to improve women's health care across the world. Founded in 1929, the organisation has over 16,000 members worldwide. RCOG works with a range of partners both in the UK and globally to improve the standard of care delivered to women, encourage the study of obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G), and advance the science and practice of O&G.