Archive news and public engagement updates from the Centre for Reproductive Health in 2021.

News listing

Publication date

Fiona Denison publishes on the NIHR blog

25 April, 2018

CRH’s Dr Fiona Denison was the lead researcher of the GOTIT trial.

Painkillers in pregnancy may affect baby’s future fertility

17 April, 2018

Taking painkillers during pregnancy could affect the fertility of the unborn child in later life,…

James Boardman and Rod Mitchell chosen as Herald Heroes

05 April, 2018

These articles pay tribute to some of the remarkable individuals who have made a contribution to…

Neonatal care fund

03 April, 2018

Easing financial pressures on parents of premature and sick babies.

Male infertility in the news agenda

13 March, 2018

CRH’s Richard Sharpe visited Science Media Centre in London to attend a UK-wide media briefing,…

Queen’s prize honours research to improve women’s health

23 February, 2018

A number of staff from MRC Centre for Reproductive Health visited Buckingham Palace to receive the…

Hormone identified to prepare womb for pregnancy

21 February, 2018

Scientists have identified a hormone that could help prepare the womb lining for the earliest stage…

CRH success at RCOG Annual Academic Meeting

13 February, 2018

Congratulations to CRH’s Lisa Campbell and Chloe Hogg who won second prizes at the RCOG Annual…

Further coverage for CRH’s Fiona Denison and her award winning product

07 February, 2018

Fiona Denison’s birth mirror success has appeared in the February issue of NHS Connections (the…

MRC Centre for Reproductive Health researchers unlock key to boosting brain repair

06 February, 2018

A team of scientists at MRC Centre for Reproductive Health in Edinburgh have uncovered a molecule…