CRH’s successful contribution to ESHRE 2021

The second online ESHRE took place from June 26 – July 1, 2021.

EHSRE is the biggest reproductive health and embryology conference in Europe and takes place annually. It was great to see such an enthusiastic CRH presence, with all sessions well received.

See details below:


ESHRE 2021
Professor Rod Mitchell

Session title: Are we ready for the future of male fertility creation & preservation - part 1

Session type: Precongress Course

i) Medical treatment as an alternative strategy to preserve male fertility before cancer treatment
ii) How to set up a fertility preservation program


PhD student Gabriele Matilionyte (Mitchell lab)

Session title: Male and female fertility preservation: new insights from the laboratory

Session type: Selected oral communications

Comparison between effects of exposure to platinum-based chemotherapeutics (cisplatin and carboplatin) on Sertoli cell number and functions in immature human testicular tissues.


This was followed by a lively and popular Live Q&A.


Professor Richard Anderson

Session title:  The future of fertility preservation

Session type: Invited session              


Professor Andrew Horne

Session title: Pain in endometriosis and adenomyosis - part 1

Session type: Precongress course - Patient reported outcomes in clinical trials for pelvic pain

Session title: The endometrium in the 21st century

Session type: Invited session


Visit this link to access further information and the recorded sessions.