Getting Started

In the first few weeks your immediate priorities will be registration (matriculation), discussing your plan of research with your supervisor/s, meeting fellow students and staff and familiarising yourself with local health and safety rules.

One of your first tasks is matriculation, which should be completed as soon as it is possible in order to avoid difficulties.

Details on how to matriculate.

If you have any problems with this process the CRH PG Administrator, staff in the College of Medicine PG office (first floor of Chancellor’s Building) or your supervisor will be able to help. Once you have matriculated, you will be able to obtain a student card (giving you access to a wide range of University facilities), a student email account, access to online resources such as the University portal MyEd ( and University library facilities.

After welcoming you to the Centre your supervisor will arrange for you to be introduced to key members of staff such as the Centre Management, Administrative teams and the staff and students in their group.  Staff will arrange for you to get an identity card to allow you to gain access to the laboratories and other facilities in the IRR. 


The College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine has prepared information for the benefit of new postgraduate research students.

This is available online and is updated regularly.

The CMVM Wiki also provides comprehensive details of up-to-date information on policies and procedures from matriculation to submission.  (EASE log-in required)