Publications Monnelly VJ, Anblagan D, Quigley A, Cabez MB, Cooper ES, Mactier H, Semple SI, Bastin ME, Boardman JP. Prenatal methadone exposure is associated with altered neonatal brain development. Neuroimage Clin. 2017 Dec 24;18:9-14. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.12.033. Lay summary Methadone is used for medication-assisted treatment of heroin addiction during pregnancy. The neurodevelopmental outcome of children with prenatal methadone exposure can be sub-optimal. We tested the hypothesis that brain development is altered among newborn infants whose mothers were prescribed methadone. 20 methadone-exposed neonates born after 37 weeks’ postmenstrual age (PMA) and 20 non-exposed controls underwent diffusion MRI at mean PMA of 39+ 2 and 41+ 1 weeks, respectively. An age-optimized Tract-based Spatial Statistics (TBSS) pipeline was used to perform voxel-wise statistical comparison of fractional anisotropy (FA) data between exposed and non-exposed neonates. Methadone-exposed neonates had decreased FA within the centrum semiovale, inferior longitudinal fasciculi (ILF) and the internal and external capsules after adjustment for GA at MRI (p < 0.05, TFCE corrected). Median FA across the white matter skeleton was 12% lower among methadone-exposed infants. Mean head circumference (HC) z-scores were lower in the methadone-exposed group (- 0.52 (0.99) vs 1.15 (0.84), p < 0.001); after adjustment for HC z-scores, differences in FA remained in the anterior and posterior limbs of the internal capsule and the ILF. Polydrug use among cases was common. Prenatal methadone exposure is associated with microstructural alteration in major white matter tracts, which is present at birth and is independent of head growth. Although the findings cannot be attributed to methadone per se, the data indicate that further research to determine optimal management of opioid use disorder during pregnancy is required. Future studies should evaluate childhood outcomes including infant brain development and long-term neurocognitive function. Telford EJ, Cox SR, Fletcher-Watson S, Anblagan D, Sparrow S, Pataky R, Quigley A, Semple SI, Bastin ME, Boardman JP. A latent measure explains substantial variance in white matter microstructure across the newborn human brain. Brain Struct Funct. 2017 Jun 6. doi: 10.1007/s00429-017-1455-6. Lay summary A latent measure of white matter microstructure (g WM) provides a neural basis for information processing speed and intelligence in adults, but the temporal emergence of g WM during human development is unknown. We provide evidence that substantial variance in white matter microstructure is shared across a range of major tracts in the newborn brain. Based on diffusion MRI scans from 145 neonates [gestational age (GA) at birth range 23+2-41+5 weeks], the microstructural properties of eight major white matter tracts were calculated using probabilistic neighborhood tractography. Principal component analyses (PCAs) were carried out on the correlations between the eight tracts, separately for four tract-averaged water diffusion parameters: fractional anisotropy, and mean, radial and axial diffusivities. For all four parameters, PCAs revealed a single latent variable that explained around half of the variance across all eight tracts, and all tracts showed positive loadings. We considered the impact of early environment on general microstructural properties, by comparing term-born infants with preterm infants at term equivalent age. We found significant associations between GA at birth and the latent measure for each water diffusion measure; this effect was most apparent in projection and commissural fibers. These data show that a latent measure of white matter microstructure is present in very early life, well before myelination is widespread. Early exposure to extra-uterine life is associated with altered general properties of white matter microstructure, which could explain the high prevalence of cognitive impairment experienced by children born preterm. Denison FC, Macnaught G, Semple SI, Terris, G, Walker J, Anblagan D, Serag A, Reynolds RM, Boardman JP. Brain Development in Fetuses of Mothers with Diabetes: A Case-Control MR Imaging Study. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2017 May;38(5):1037-1044. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A5118. Lay summary Offspring exposed to maternal diabetes are at increased risk of neurocognitive impairment, but its origins are unknown. With MR imaging, we investigated the feasibility of comprehensive assessment of brain metabolism (1H-MRS), microstructure (DWI), and macrostructure (structural MRI) in third-trimester fetuses in women with diabetes and determined normal ranges for the MR imaging parameters measured. Materials and methods: Women with singleton pregnancies with diabetes (n = 26) and healthy controls (n = 26) were recruited prospectively for MR imaging studies between 34 and 38 weeks’ gestation. Results: Data suitable for postprocessing were obtained from 79%, 71%, and 46% of women for 1H-MRS, DWI, and structural MRI, respectively. There was no difference in the NAA/Cho and NAA/Cr ratios (mean [SD]) in the fetal brain in women with diabetes compared with controls (1.74 [0.79] versus 1.79 [0.64], P = .81; and 0.78 [0.28] versus 0.94 [0.36], P = .12, respectively), but the Cho/Cr ratio was marginally lower (0.46 [0.11] versus 0.53 [0.10], P = .04). There was no difference in mean [SD] anterior white, posterior white, and deep gray matter ADC between patients and controls (1.16 [0.12] versus 1.16 [0.08], P = .96; 1.54 [0.16] versus 1.59 [0.20], P = .56; and 1.49 [0.23] versus 1.52 [0.23], P = .89, respectively) or volume of the cerebrum (243.0 mL [22.7 mL] versus 253.8 mL [31.6 mL], P = .38). Conclusions: Acquiring multimodal MR imaging of the fetal brain at 3T from pregnant women with diabetes is feasible. Further study of fetal brain metabolism in maternal diabetes is warranted. BRAINS (Brain Imaging in Normal Subjects) Expert Working Group., Shenkin SD, Pernet C, Nichols TE, Poline JB, Matthews PM, van der Lugt A, Mackay C, Lanyon L, Mazoyer B, Boardman JP, Thompson PM, Fox N, Marcus DS, Sheikh A, Cox SR, Anblagan D, Job DE, Dickie DA, Rodriguez D, Wardlaw JM. Improving data availability for brain image biobanking in healthy subjects: Practice-based suggestions from an international multidisciplinary working group. Neuroimage. 2017 Feb 14. pii: S1053-8119(17)30141-6. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.02.030 Lay summary Brain imaging is now ubiquitous in clinical practice and research. The case for bringing together large amounts of image data from well-characterised healthy subjects and those with a range of common brain diseases across the life course is now compelling. This report follows a meeting of international experts from multiple disciplines, all interested in brain image biobanking. The meeting included neuroimaging experts (clinical and non-clinical), computer scientists, epidemiologists, clinicians, ethicists, and lawyers involved in creating brain image banks. The meeting followed a structured format to discuss current and emerging brain image banks; applications such as atlases; conceptual and statistical problems (e.g. defining ‘normality’); legal, ethical and technological issues (e.g. consents, potential for data linkage, data security, harmonisation, data storage and enabling of research data sharing). We summarise the lessons learned from the experiences of a wide range of individual image banks, and provide practical recommendations to enhance creation, use and reuse of neuroimaging data. Our aim is to maximise the benefit of the image data, provided voluntarily by research participants and funded by many organisations, for human health. Our ultimate vision is of a federated network of brain image biobanks accessible for large studies of brain structure and function. Serag A, Macnaught G, Denison FC, Reynolds RM, Semple SI, Boardman JP. Histograms of Oriented 3D Gradients for Fully Automated Fetal Brain Localization and Robust Motion Correction in 3 T Magnetic Resonance Images. Biomed Res Int. 2017;2017:3956363. doi: 10.1155/2017/3956363 Lay summary Fetal brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a rapidly emerging diagnostic imaging tool. However, automated fetal brain localization is one of the biggest obstacles in expediting and fully automating large-scale fetal MRI processing. We propose a method for automatic localization of fetal brain in 3 T MRI when the images are acquired as a stack of 2D slices that are misaligned due to fetal motion. First, the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) feature descriptor is extended from 2D to 3D images. Then, a sliding window is used to assign a score to all possible windows in an image, depending on the likelihood of it containing a brain, and the window with the highest score is selected. In our evaluation experiments using a leave-one-out cross-validation strategy, we achieved 96% of complete brain localization using a database of 104 MRI scans at gestational ages between 34 and 38 weeks. We carried out comparisons against template matching and random forest based regression methods and the proposed method showed superior performance. We also showed the application of the proposed method in the optimization of fetal motion correction and how it is essential for the reconstruction process. The method is robust and does not rely on any prior knowledge of fetal brain development. Serag A, Wilkinson AG, Telford EJ, Pataky R, Sparrow SA, Anblagan D, Macnaught G, Semple S, Boardman JP. SEGMA: an automatic SEGMentation Approach for human brain MRI using sliding window and random forests. Front Neuroinform. 2017 Jan 20;11:2. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2017.00002. Lay summary Quantitative volumes from brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) acquired across the life course may be useful for investigating long term effects of risk and resilience factors for brain development and healthy aging, and for understanding early life determinants of adult brain structure. Therefore, there is an increasing need for automated segmentation tools that can be applied to images acquired at different life stages. We developed an automatic segmentation method for human brain MRI, where a sliding window approach and a multi-class random forest classifier were applied to high-dimensional feature vectors for accurate segmentation. The method performed well on brain MRI data acquired from 179 individuals, analyzed in three age groups: newborns (38-42 weeks gestational age), children and adolescents (4-17 years) and adults (35-71 years). As the method can learn from partially labeled datasets, it can be used to segment large-scale datasets efficiently. It could also be applied to different populations and imaging modalities across the life course. Whole brain magnetic resonance image atlases: a systematic review of existing atlases and caveats for use in population imaging. Dickie DA, Shenkin SD, Anblagan D, Lee JY, Blesa Cabez M, Rodriguez D, Boardman JP, Waldman A, Job D, Wardlaw JM. Front. Neuroinform. 11:1. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2017.00001 Lay summary Brain MRI atlases may be used to characterize brain structural changes across the life course. Atlases have important applications in research, e.g., as registration and segmentation targets to underpin image analysis in population imaging studies, and potentially in future in clinical practice, e.g., as templates for identifying brain structural changes out with normal limits, and increasingly for use in surgical planning. However, there are several caveats and limitations which must be considered before successfully applying brain MRI atlases to research and clinical problems. For example, the influential Talairach and Tournoux atlas was derived from a single fixed cadaveric brain from an elderly female with limited clinical information, yet is the basis of many modern atlases and is often used to report locations of functional activation. We systematically review currently available whole brain structural MRI atlases with particular reference to the implications for population imaging through to emerging clinical practice. We found 66 whole brain structural MRI atlases world-wide. The vast majority were based on T1, T2, and/or proton density (PD) structural sequences, had been derived using parametric statistics (inappropriate for brain volume distributions), had limited supporting clinical or cognitive data, and included few younger (>5 and <18 years) or older (>60 years) subjects. To successfully characterize brain structural features and their changes across different stages of life, we conclude that whole brain structural MRI atlases should include: more subjects at the upper and lower extremes of age; additional structural sequences, including fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) and T2* sequences; a range of appropriate statistics, e.g., rank-based or non-parametric; and detailed cognitive and clinical profiles of the included subjects in order to increase the relevance and utility of these atlases. Pataky R, Howie AF, Girardi G, Boardman JP. Complement C5a is present in CSF of human newborns and is elevated in association with preterm birth. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2017 Oct;30(20):2413-2416. doi: 10.1080/14767058.2016.1251896. Lay summary Neuroinflammation contributes to developmental brain injury associated with preterm birth, but the mediators that drive it are incompletely understood. Previous studies have shown that complement C5a is present and injurious in the brains of foetal mice exposed to preterm labour. Here, we demonstrate that C5a is present in the cerebrospinal fluid of newborn human infants and that levels are elevated in those born preterm. The difference is not explained by systemic infection. Complement activation in the neonatal brain and its role as a potential therapeutic target in preterm brain injury warrant further study. Activation in the neonatal brain and its role as a potential therapeutic target for preterm brain injury warrants further study. Job DE, Dickie DA, Rodriguez D, Robson A, Danso S, Pernet C, Bastin ME, Boardman JP, Murray AD, Ahearn T, Waiter GD, Staff RT, Deary IJ, Shenkin SD, Wardlaw JM. A brain imaging repository of normal structural MRI across the life course: Brain Images of Normal Subjects (BRAINS). Neuroimage. 2017 Jan;144(Pt B):299-304. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.01.027. Lay summary The Brain Images of Normal Subjects (BRAINS) Imagebank ( is an integrated repository project hosted by the University of Edinburgh and sponsored by the Scottish Imaging Network: A Platform for Scientific Excellence (SINAPSE) collaborators. BRAINS provide sharing and archiving of detailed normal human brain imaging and relevant phenotypic data already collected in studies of healthy volunteers across the life-course. It particularly focusses on the extremes of age (currently older age, and in future perinatal) where variability is largest, and which are under-represented in existing databanks. BRAINS is a living imagebank where new data will be added when available. Currently BRAINS contains data from 808 healthy volunteers, from 15 to 81years of age, from 7 projects in 3 centres. Additional completed and ongoing studies of normal individuals from 1st to 10th decades are in preparation and will be included as they become available. BRAINS holds several MRI structural sequences, including T1, T2, T2* and fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), available in DICOM (; in future Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) will be added where available. Images are linked to a wide range of ‘textual data’, such as age, medical history, physiological measures (e.g. blood pressure), medication use, cognitive ability, and perinatal information for pre/post-natal subjects. The imagebank can be searched to include or exclude ranges of these variables to create better estimates of ‘what is normal’ at different ages. Boardman JP, Fletcher-Watson S. What can eye-tracking tell us? Arch Dis Child. 2017 Jan 10. pii: archdischild-2016-311693. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2016-311693 Lay summary Early development of neurocognitivefunctions in infants can be compromised by poverty,malnutrition and lack of adequate stimulation. Optimalmanagement of neurodevelopmental problems in infantsrequires assessment tools that can be used early in life,and are objective and applicable across economic,cultural and educational settings. The present study examinedthe feasibility of infrared eye tracking as a novel andhighly automated technique for assessing visual-orientingand sequence-learning abilities as well as attention tofacial expressions in young (9-month-old) infants. This article was published on 2024-09-10