
We will collect information following the birth of your baby.

Placenta and cord blood

We will collect samples of placenta and umbilical cord blood following the birth of your baby. We will also collect a blood spot (the ‘Guthrie card’) of umbilical cord blood. Placenta and umbilical cord blood samples are taken as part of routine clinical care after premature birth and are usually disposed of after tests have been run. We ask to take a little extra from both samples and to analyse and store them in our research study. Looking at the placenta and running blood tests on umbilical cord blood will provide information about how the stress and immune systems work around the time of birth.


We will also collect a sample of your and your baby’s hair within 10 days of delivering your baby. For you, this involves cutting a 3cm strand of hair close the scalp at the top of your head. The strand is thin, and in previous studies mothers have not noticed any change in how their hair feels or looks afterwards. For babies, we will cut a 0.5cm diameter circle (pencil rubber-sized) piece of hair from the back of their head. For most babies this is barely noticeable; it grows back. Stress hormones measured in hair reflect stress levels in the body over a period of months, which gives valuable information about long term stress.

Medical information

We will also collect information about the birth of your baby from your and your baby’s medical records and in discussion with you (no longer than 30 minutes).  

We have a short video that explains what will happen if you take part.  Click here to watch the video without subtitles, or click here to watch with subtitles.