Join Flow Right

Volunteer as a member of the new 'Patient and Public Involvement Group'

Patient and Public Involvement Group poster 1
Patient and Public Involvement Group poster 2

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Flow Right Role Description

Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Group Contributor

Flow Right is a Patient Public Involvement Group to help support our research on menstruation (periods). We want to develop our research with your input, bringing in your experiences of menstruation (particularly those who have experienced heavy periods/heavy bleeding). Flow Right, which we hope you are interested in joining, will help to make sure we are developing new research priorities, research studies and study documents with the input of those who have experience of menstruation.


Primarily, you as a member of the PPI group are invited to work alongside the PPI lead/chair, members of the PPI group, research scientists, doctors and nurses. Following induction, individuals will be contacted to review and discuss current research documents, helping to ensure they are appropriate and easily understood by the public. Additionally, you will occasionally be involved in panel meetings, helping to influence and direct future research which we believe would be beneficial for individuals experiencing problematic menstruation.


The responsibilities of the PPI group are likely to change and develop in response to your feedback, but examples may include;

  • Providing your experiences on current and future gynaecology research on menstruation
  • Reviewing current research studies and discuss research relevance
  • Reviewing study documentation, such as ‘Patient Information Sheets’ to ensure information is accessible and jargon-free
  • Supporting the communication of research findings to the general public
  • Attending in-person/virtual panel meetings


There are no requirements regarding qualifications or previous research experience as we will provide induction and support as you need. However, it is essential for PPI group members to have knowledge of menstruation, for example; having currently or previously experienced problematic menstrual bleeding. Additionally, it is desirable for individuals to have a basic understanding of and access to a computer, iPad or tablet that can be used for reading emails and documents.

Compensation and Benefits

PPI contributors are eligible for a small payment/voucher as a reimbursement for the time dedicated to the PPI group. These payments will vary depending on the activity, but will be based on the commitment and length of time required for each assignment.


If you are interested, contact Laura Edwards (clinical research nurse) via email:
