Work package 5 Build Capacity in First Trimester Ultrasound

We anticipate all work packages will begin in Malawi, and will then be undertaken in Zambia as the project progresses.

The DIPLOMATIC project is composed of eight interlocking Work Packages, with cross cutting capacity building in clinical trial methodology, database design and analysis, improvement science, and education in Malawi and Zambia.

Work Package 5

Early ultrasound scanning is recommended unequivocally and certainty of gestational age is required to facilitate optimal timing of interventions and for accurate data collection. We will develop and test a training programme which will be used to train a cadre of midwives and health care workers who can then train others in basic early pregnancy ultrasound scanning.

Lead collaborators on this Work Package are: Dr Doris Kayambo in Malawi and Brian Magowan and Caroline HollinsMartin in UK.