To apply for membership, please download the Application Form below in PDF format.
You can then print it out, complete and send to the address at the bottom of the form.
Don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader? You can download it for free by clicking here.
Benefits of membership
The Edinburgh Obstetrical Society meets six times a year, including the Joint meeting with the Glasgow Obstetrical Society, which is the last meeting of the session at the end of May.
We try to provide an interesting and informative programme for the meetings and hope that they are enjoyable and sociable.
The Society meetings are open to non-members and you should feel free to bring along a guest to any of the meetings.
The Annual income of the Society is spent on providing a venue for the meetings, a buffet supper, expense fees of our guest speakers, as well as secretarial and administrative support.
Although our income is mainly from drug company sponsorship, a significant amount also comes from subscription, which is £50 per year.