Symjo - Symptom Journal

Symjo is a symptom journal for chronic conditions, created by Megan Raine [*please note: the Symjo website and ordering are currently unavailable*]

About Symjo

Symjo is split into the following four sections:

Symjo - example pages of Appointments section
  • Daily Symptoms

Designed to keep track of your symptoms from day to day. Includes pain scale, area of pain and medications taken. Concludes with weekly / monthly summary pages.

  • Medical Journey

Designed to track all the medications you’ve tried and tested. Take note of dosage, duration and any nasty side-effects to discuss with your specialists.  

  • Appointment Diary & Notes Section

For writing in upcoming appointment details, with pages to take along with you to your appointments to keep all of your notes in one place.  

  • Useful Bits

To store contact numbers, website, support groups, numbers and books, along with Megan's favourite self care ideas to try. 


For more information, and to place an order, please visit the Symjo website:


Praise for Symjo

Symjo is a game changing tool in my journey to healing and understanding my body and my health issues. It’s beautifully designed to keep all my notes together so I can reference back to my symptoms over time as well as to track my medical consults, medications, phone numbers, and all kinds of info that usually gets lost in the hustle and bustle. I feel more hopeful and confident about my future with Symjo by my side. Thank you so much, Megan!


Megan Raine

About Megan

Megan, who lives with endometriosis, decided to combine her passion for design with her desire to keep on top of her symptoms, appointments and medications, so they don’t keep on top of her. ​

Megan hopes that Symjo will help to make the lives of others living with chronic pain conditions easier to manage.


We're delighted that 10% of the sale of each Symjo will be donated to EXPPECT - thank you, Megan!

Place an order now:


If you have any questions about Symjo, please contact Megan directly:



Symjo in use