Acupuncture for Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women

This pain management resource bridges the divide between Chinese medicine acupuncture and biomedicine treatments.

Acupuncture for Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women - Book Cover

Book by Dr Ooi Thye Chong.

One of the first of its kind, this authoritative and extensive pain management resource bridges the divide between Chinese medicine acupuncture and biomedicine treatments which are often unsatisfactory.

It is estimated that one in seven women suffer from chronic pelvic pain which is often associated with various gynaecological conditions including endometriosis and pelvic spasms. A significant number of these women also experience anxiety, depression and poor sleep quality. This comprehensive and timely book addresses the need for a non-drug, holistic method for the immediate reduction of pain using the Balance Method acupuncture, trigger point deactivation, and Alchemical Five Element psycho-emotional perspective to address anxiety or depression.

Dr Chong focusses on a person-centred approach in this invaluable resource and provides useful and effective tools for taking care of oneself, whether you are a clinician or a patient.

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This book provides a fascinating personal insight into the potential benefits of acupuncture for women with chronic pelvic pain and for the healthcare practitioners who treat them - and gives a clear, detailed and accessible presentation of the main features of treatment.

Professor Andrew Horne
EXPPECT Co-Director