CASSAVA Contacts

The CASSAVA team with Professor Jane Norman as Chief Investigator.

Professor Jane Norman, Co-applicant and Chief Investigator

Telephone: +44 (0)131 242 2694


The Queen's medical Research Institute, Edinburgh BioQuarter, 47 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4TJ

View Professor Norman's profile

Professor Jane Norman, Co-applicant and Chief Investigator

Dr Sarah Stock

Telephone: +44(0) 131 242 6449


View Dr Stock's profile

Dr Sarah Stock

Sonia Whyte

Trial Manager

Sonia Whyte

Jane Brewin, Chief Executive, Tommy’s

View Jane Brewin's profile

Jane Brewin, Chief Executive, Tommy’s

Professor Nina Hallowell, Associate Professor 

Ethox Centre and Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities

Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford

View Professor Hallowell's profile

Professor Nina Hallowell, Associate Professor

Dr David Odd, Consultant in Neonatal Medicine

University of Bristol

View Dr Odd's profile

Dr David Odd, Consultant in Neonatal Medicine

Professor Julia Lawton

Professor of Health and Social Science

Centre for Population Health Sciences

View Professor Lawton's profile

Professor Julia Lawton

Professor John Norrie

Professor of Medical Statistics and Trial Methodology

Director of Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit, Co-Head of Centre for Population Health Sciences

View Professor Norrie's profile


Professor John Norrie

Prof Dimitrios Siassakos

Reader (Associate Professor) in Obstetrics,

University College London & Honorary Consultant in Obstetrics, University College Hospital

View Professor Siassakos's profile

Prof Dimitrios Siassakos

Mrs Hannah Tebbutt

Expert Patient Advisor

A parent representative offering the perspective of parent to the design of the trial. This is a voluntary role which Hannah combines with her job of looking after four children (including a set of twins).

If you would like to contact Hannah please contact the clinical trials team in the first instance.


Ms Mehali Patel, Co-applicant

Mrs Jolene Broad, Co-applicant